Different Types of Cat Languages

We don’t exactly know it but our cats speak to us on a daily basis. It’s true. They may seem cold and snobbish on the outside but even the subtlest hint of looking at you says something so much about them. As a cat parent, it’s very crucial to understand cat languages.

Different Types Cat Languages

They can’t speak to us through words but they do express through body movements. There’s a great number of Cat Hotel in San Francisco area that could tell you a few of these body languages since they’re experts when it comes to taking care of your cats. But for a more extensive list of this delicate cat language, read on and see if your cat does any of these behaviors.

cat peering over the shoulder shows interest

1. Peering over the shoulder shows interest.

Do you ever catch your cat looking over her shoulder whenever you say something? That doesn’t mean she saw a mouse she wants to hunt. It actually means that she’s listening and very interested to whatever you’re mumbling about. Mostly, it’s either because the tone of your voice is really soothing or just plain irresistible

2. A tail that sticks straight up signals being friendly.

Aside from showing confidence and contentment, when your cat’s tail is as straight as a flag pole on a Monday morning, it means you can approach her with love and affection because she’s being super friendly.

cat tail that sticks straight up signals being friendly
Sitting straight with tails in front displays attention

3. Sitting straight with tails in front displays attention.

Your cat does pay attention to you, and you should be glad. Whenever you see her sitting up straight with her tail right in front of her, with eyes just staring right to your soul, that’s when she’s giving you all of her attention.

4. Lying down carelessly signifies being relaxed.

Most cat parents think that when cats are sleeping, they are relaxed. But sometimes they’re not. Right when you want to caress their fur, they’d go all blades on you and scratch you. But when you see them lying down gently on their back, as if they don’t care, that’s when you can give a little bit of patting on the back.

cat lying down carelessly signifies being relaxed
cat lying on the back exposing tummy means trusting

5. Lying on the back exposing tummy means trusting.

When your cat suddenly lies down on the floor showing its belly to you doesn’t mean that she wants you to rub her belly. Sometimes it just means that she trusts you won’t do anything stupid to her and entrusts her entire life to you.

6. Sleeping sometimes means being content.

Some cat parent finds it quite vexing to see their fury babies just sleeping the day away, without making any interactions. In some way, that’s actually good because it means that she’s content with the life you’re giving her.


cat sleeping
cat's stiff body with tingling ears

7. Stiff body with tingling ears means being cautious or conflicted.

This would be all too familiar if you catch your kitty cat in action face to face with a dog. When your cat sees something that frightens her, she usually twinges her ears and acts uncomfortable.

8. Reaching for things shows being playful.

Your cats often climb on to the counter and reach some stuff that you don’t want them to reach. Sometimes you just got to understand this behavior because they’re actually just being playful.

cat reaching for things

9. Scratching signals being excited.

Being a cat parent means bracing yourself for damaged furniture and tapestries because your babies just love to scratch everything. But little do you know that it actually shows how excited they are to meet you or to know that you’re already home.

10. Rubbing its skin means marking territories.

If your cat constantly rubs itself against you, that’s when you know you don’t own your cat but your cat actually owns you. You’re her property now so you better do what she wants you to do and feed her generously while you’re at it.

cat rubbing its skin
cat floppy ears

11. Floppy ears displays being anxious.

Your cat gets anxious probably when you go out of the house and leave her alone. You probably don’t notice that but next time, if you see her tail sagging on the floor, with her ears flopping on its side, then you should probably either cancel that appointment or take her with you.

12. Crouching on the floor shows predatory mode.

If you’re afraid of cats, all you need to do is to see if your cat’s crouching on the ground like a predator sensing a prey and then you’ll know that a mouse is somewhere in your vicinity.

cat crouching on the floor
cat tucked body and tail

13. Tucked body and tail signifies being worried.

Your cat gets worried to. If you want to know what worries her, just observe what things make her want to crawl into a ball and act all strange.

14. Loud meowing and aggressiveness means being threatened.

This is a basic cat language that all owners know. It’s not a good idea to threaten cats unless you want to get your face scratched.

cat loud meowing
cat arched back and flattened ears

15. Arched back and flattened ears shows being terrified.

Whether it’s a loud noise or a stranger she hasn’t met before, when you see your cat’s back arched at a point and looking all confused, that actually means that she’s afraid of something.

16. Wagging tail displays irritation.

You know when your cat irritates you when she wags your tail at you while looking at you in a very judgmental way. So if your cat finds you vexing, it’s a great idea to stay away and let her cool off.

cat- wagging tail
cat rejecting food

17. Rejection of food means being disgusted.

It’s not that your cat is picky when it comes to food or that she’s full. It actually means she doesn’t like what you’re feeding her and basically her liver can’t contain whatever it is that you’re giving her.

After reading this list, you should probably be an expert when it comes to decoding your cat’s actions. It really pays off when you get to understand your fur babies because you will know how to act around them and what to do when they’re acting in a certain way. If you couldn’t find your cat’s behavior in this list, feel free to add them on the comments below.

For more ideas about your feline friend,  contact Mission: Cats today. We’d love to hear about your cat’s language! Share this to a friend who really needs this useful information.

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